can a ricochet bullet kill youshinedown attention attention

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Skeptics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for scientific skepticism. I have an answer. Predicting this critical angle for any bullet/surface configuration is, however, extremely difficult. This bullet was located at a later stage and was found to have a mirror-like flat surface on the lead portion of the nose. It only takes a minute to sign up.Yes. Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including my dumb *** friends have shot solid pieces of steel while we were out shooting but i have never encountered a ricochet but i here of them all the time. Most shooting ranges that use a metal plate as a stopper have the plates angled down to prevent the bullets from coming back at the shooter.Consider surfaces that are like the 'cat's eye' reflectors on highways. Search for "killed by ricochet" and you'll find no entries for shooting steel targets. Bullets will invariably lose their gyroscopic stability and tumble after ricocheting. Luckily, it wasn't precisely back at me so it missed. Every firearm accident just adds another nail to the coffin that the the anti gunners are trying to build for us .I"M CURIUOS AS TO WHY MOST OF THE COMMENTS (except comments from women;-)THAT AGREE THAT A 22 RICOCHET CAN KILL YOU ARE GETTING A THUMBS DOWN ?? However, bullets can Ricochet off of Riot Shield and kill. High power is another matter,no personal experience. there's precise formulas for this depending obviously on velocity, spin, composition of the bullet (FMJ, vs … original path as a result of impact and travel in a direction quite Got a nice welt. Some will come back a few yards. There is a persistent myth, even among military members, that certain types of rounds can kill a human without actually impacting. When a bullet strikes any surface, there is a critical angle at which the bullet will bounce off or ricochet from the surface rather than penetrate. High-velocity bullets with a thin jacket, for example, 0.223" or 0.220" Swift, will invariably break up before ricocheting. While the bullet may not necessarily bounce around totally intact the shrapnel can be very annoying.It won't bounce back if it's shot directly at steel from at least a certain distance. Yes and No. Ricochets typically mean the bullet has deflected/glanced off an object from it’s line of sight path, usually at an angle less than 90° of the intended path. This applies even to water.It is interesting to note that when round shot was used by naval vessels, ricocheting missiles from the water were a recognized form of tactics in sea warfare. It is rare for them to ricochet as long as you are facing them dead on. constitutes a true ricochetWhen you shoot a solid target, the bullet can deflect. What usually ends up happening is the round pancakes or breaks apart on impact.I got hit in the ribs by a ricochet at a local indoor 25 yard range. However, yes, ricochets CAN kill... hence why you don't fire at rocks or at an angle on any target, because firing at an angle increases the chances of a ricochet.It can but if your using a steel plate you would wan't to put it at 100 yards or so. The metal target must also be engaged head-on from a perpendicular point-of-fire. Like I shoot to the right of someone and it still hits them, kind of like a magnet. *anecdotal * It can, because I have had that happen while shooting. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Some are convinced that a .50 cal round can possibly wound and even kill someone if the bullet passes too close by on it’s way to it’s intended target. )Nice question. This equates to the bullet striking the surface at a greater incidence angle and therefore a greater ricochet angle.2. So, your mission is simple - kill all victims on the board. Detailed answers to any questions you might have Still, the thought is always there in peoples' minds; and we watch for, as you say, 'bounce backs'.) Discuss the workings and policies of this site The best answers are voted up and rise to the top In this instance, it would appear that the collapsing hollow-point bullet nose increases the incidence angle, thus increasing the propensity for ricochet.3. The nose was, however, filled with epoxy resin and shaped to give the desired round-nosed profile.concrete adhering to it for easy identification. Bullet ricochets off one plate at 45 degree angle, hits second plate, and ricochets back the way it came.

* Indicates severe cratering leading to variable results and, in some cases, disintegration ofTable 4.4 Ricochet angle for 0.45 ACP FMJ bullet from various surfaces at variousIt would appear that if sufficient cratering of the surface occurs on bullet impact, the exit plane of the crater will be of greater angle than the incidence angle. It is a myth that the .50 BMG round (bullet) will kill you merely by overpressure.The amount of air pressure created by the round as it travels is very little do to the shape of the round being designed for penetration and low drag: the air slips around the round as it … When a bullet strikes any surface, there is a critical angle at which the bullet will bounce off or ricochet from the surface rather than penetrate. Could be for example rock fragment from the target area. I think that if that much damage was done by a 22lr exploding in an open fire not going as fast as it would if fired from a rifle it should be consideredlethal if the one and a billion chance does happen . Shooting in snow will leave a line in the snow beneath the target on both sides. Several gun clubs I belong to have rules for metallic silhouette shooting: Absolutely nothing closer than 25 yards; AND 50 yards is the preferred distance! I have shot at a steel plate before. Tell your friends that they are, 'playing with fire'. That being said a cell phone would be blown apart, or a hole through it in the very least, but the bullet wouldn't ricochet off of the cell phone, but what it hits after it goes through the cell phone may ricochet the bullet back at you or someone else. However, modern projectiles which are spin stabilized and have an aerodynamic shape do tend to rise at a greater angle after ricocheting from water, and the technique was found to be of little use. games.

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can a ricochet bullet kill you