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The Notebook (2004) 3. There are many chick flicks out there, and the one you pick will set the tone for your night. Make a List Browse Lists Search Lists Leaders Help / Contact Suggest Feature Newsletter. You need look no further than the slumber party scene right in the middle of the movie to know what kind of night will result.If you're feeling the girl power and don't need romance to feature prominently in the movie you put on, Elle Woods is exactly the hero a girl needs for the post-breakup blues, too, so if one of your friends is going through some stuff right now, this movie is double perfect.This is the perfect movie for if you're missing high school, but not so much the romance part of it. The film also includes some early LGBT representation in the form of Grant’s friend Gareth, whose endearing relationship with his partner Matthew is one of the many notes of sincerity that help ground the film in heart rather than saccharine.For all its watchability, the film goes beyond being just a comedy of errors and strikes a nerve about what it is to search for “the one” and whether that one even exists to begin with.Though you wouldn’t know it now, when it was first greenlit, The film features Constance Wu alongside newcomer Henry Golding who, let it be noted here, has a very cute British accent and equally cute face. The best kind of chick flicks manage to toe the line between heart and mind, inspiring a sort of optimism that doesn’t require you to check your sense of film analysis at the door.This doesn’t mean they can’t provide a great heaping dose of escapism—sometimes all you want from a movie is a happy ending and at least one well executed makeover sequence. 1. See On Amazon by Jason Dietz, Metacritic Features Editor ; Publish Date: August 11, 2010; Comments: ↓ 63 user comments; Someday your Prinze will come. It’s immensely charming, very watchable, and very British.While the chick flick is sometimes perceived wrongly as vapid or frothy, chick flicks are, at their best, funny, interesting, and smart takes on what it is to be a woman, including both the highs and the lows thereof. If you and your gals have been feeling like you need to see somebody get their just desserts, watching Regina George's social hierarchy fall apart should do the trick. Chick flicks that are perfect for girls' night, a rainy day solo on the couch, or even for a cuddle sesh with bae; here are 100 of the best chick flicks of all time. Is it still very, very watchable?

It’s here that the film takes some of its best twists, including a murder trial, a fitness mogul, a tragic perm, and an unexpected tutor turned love interest.Verdict: this movie has got just as much brains as it does heart and is perfectly binge-able.Of the myriad of Cinderella movies that have been produced over the years, ranging from classic to the tremendously forgettable (sorry, Selena Gomez), The general gist of the film is not all that different from the original Cinderella story—an orphaned girl is mistreated by her evil stepmother (played with relish by Angelica Houston) and eventually ends up at a ball where the prince, won over in part by her kindness but mostly by how good she looks in a ball gown, tries to woo her, but she has to flee at midnight, and he launches a quest to find her and propose. Everybody knows that there are a few different things you need for the perfect girls' night: comfy clothes, ice cream, salty snacks, maybe some wine, and If you and your girls are feeling refined and elegant, the 2005 version of Jane Austen's It's the perfect film to fill your hearts with pangs of love and longing, so if you and your girls are ready to pop the rosé and lounge about, appreciating a great piece of literature, this film is the move for you.If you're feeling like a fairytale but also missing all of the old familiar tropes of high school social groups, you and your ladies should give It's got a spunky Cinderella, a misunderstood (and smoldering hot) Prince Charming, too-cool popular divas, and goofy step-family to boot. Are the romances contrived and the drama predictable? While horror and drama are great, sometimes the best type of movie to watch is a chick flick.

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