failures of constantine the greatshinedown attention attention

In later years he told the historian Eusebius that before his encounter with Maxentius he had seen a cross of light superimposed on the sun with the inscription above it: But Constantine's early involvement in the theological disputes of the Christians soon disabused him of any syncretistic notions.
But in 310 Maximian entered into a conspiracy against Constantine, and upon its discovery Constantine had his father-in-law strangled.

He quarreled with his father, however, and Maximian fled to Constantine, gave him his daughter Fausta in marriage, and supported Constantine's pretensions as an augustus.

It is widely believed that Crispus's fall may have been due to the jealous ambition of his stepmother, Empress Fausta, in behalf of her own three sons. Constantine died on May 22, 337 AD in Ancyrona, near Nicomedia, Bithynia and was buried in Constantinople at the Church of the Apostles. He was a calculating and suspicious man, perhaps as a result of his struggle to survive as a youth among the intrigues at the court of Galerius. By her Constantine had three sons, Constantine II, Constantius, and Constans. Copyright 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.History of the Church and the Life of the Blessed Emperor Constantine, Constantine ransacked the pagan world for treasures with which to adorn his city, and he spirited a population to it by offering estates in Asia Minor to nobles who would build palaces there and, in an analogy to the Roman dole, by inaugurating rations of food for humbler immigrants.The founding of Constantinople had far-reaching consequences. He tried for years to reconcile or suppress the dissidents but ultimately gave up his efforts in despair. Churches were erected at, among other places, Constantine’s experience as a member of the imperial court—a Throughout his life, Constantine ascribed his success to his conversion to Christianity and the support of the Christian God. The new emperors chose caesars (Maximinus Daia and Falvius Valerius Severus) who were not their relatives. He was baptized by Eusebius of Nicomedia on his deathbed. After growing up in a privileged-but-restrained home, … Galerius kept Constantine, who had distinguished himself as a soldier, at his own court, apparently fearing that he might develop imperial ambitions if left with his father. What is remarkable is Constantine’s subsequent development of his new religious If so, there was an early revulsion of feeling, for she was drowned in her bath in less than a year. They, along with Dalmatius and Hannibalian, sons of Constantine's brother Dalmatius, were made caesars and given the administration of various parts of the empire as though it were Constantine's personal estate. Except for these three sons and two infant nephews (Gallus and Julian) all of Constantine's close relatives, including his half brothers Dalmatius and Julius Constantius, were lynched by the army at Constantine's death, leaving Fausta's brood to fight over the inheritance. And he allowed the continued celebration of ancient cults and even the erection of temples in honor of his family, though he specified that worship in them must not include "contagious superstition." Constantine's dynastic elevation set a bad example. He legalized bequests to churches and gave bishops the right to free slaves as well as the right to judge quarrels between Christians without the right of appeal to civil courts. In reply to Re: Defending Constantine: the failure of imagination by Jim Hoag Thanks for the link, Jim. Here the decisive factor seems to have been the need for the gold and silver sheathing of the statues to help finance the Emperor's elaborate building program.Constantine continued and elaborated the army reforms begun by Diocletian. generated friction and suspicion between the emperors, and in 323 war broke out after Constantine had violated Licinius's territory.

In any case, during his career he contrived the death of his father-in-law (Maximian) and of two brothers-in-law (Maxentius and Licinius); in 326 he suddenly, and for obscure reasons, executed his eldest and much admired son, the Caesar Crispus, and apparently at the same time he killed his nephew Licinianus, who was only 11 years old.

The following year, however, Constantine found it expedient to execute him.Constantine's conversion to Christianity has generated much discussion. Born Flavius Valerius Constantinus at Naissus (in modern Yugoslavia), Constantine was the son of Constantius Chlorus and his concubine Helena.
From 307 to 311 five men claimed the rank of augustus: Galerius, Maxentius, Maximinus Daia, Licinius (Severus's successor), and Constantine. Galerius acknowledged Constantine as a caesar, and he raised Severus to the role of emperor (augustus) in the West.Constantine's dynastic elevation set a bad example. Born in Dacia Ripensis (now Serbia), he was the son of Flavius Constantius, an Illyrian army officer who became one of the four emperors of the Tetrarchy. Rome was reduced in importance as the capital of the Roman Empire, and the western part of the empire continued to achieve increasing autonomy.

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failures of constantine the great