how to hide when someone mentions you in a comment on facebookshinedown attention attention

Since you know her first and last name, you might be able to take care of the situation immediately. I want toContact him today for your help and you will be happy for ever. If there’s an angry post on your News Feed, the odds of all of your fans seeing it are small. In the left-hand column, click Timeline and Tagging 3. Social media managers know what’s up — with thousands of fans on a Add your textbook spammers, angry customers and historically unhappy people to the mix and it’s no wonder someone has to keep an eye on your company’s To hide a comment, hover over the top-right hand “x” and click “Hide.” Now the post can only be seen by the person who wrote the comment and his or her friends. He is an award-winning Thousands of other businesses and bloggers get the latest social media insights and ideas.I get a message saying I’ve been mentioned in a comment, but I can’t find the comment in question by visually scanning as there are so many comments (100s) how can I pertform a search for these mentions?My name’s kenneth tozier from Us i promise to share this testimony all over the world once my love return back to me, and today with all due respect I want to thank dr. Zulu for bringing joy and happiness to my relationship and my family. They’ll have no idea the post is hidden, and you can always click “Unhide” later if you like.When someone posts on your Page’s Timeline and you’d like to delete it, click “x” in the top-right corner, then “Hidden from Page” from the dropdown menu. They’ll still see the Page and be able to share content from it, but they won’t be able to comment or post. While still coming from a perspective of genuine belief of the other person’s interest, it’s easy to abuse and annoy, as we’ll see with the next example.Just as with Facebook users, you can mention Facebook Pages whenever you’re quoting and referencing a brand, or sharing their content. So be sure to delete it from the album if you’d like it to disappear for good.Deleting a post or comment removes the content permanently, though there is an option to bring comments back. Now You want her and your other fans to know you care.Save yourself future headaches by blocking your least favorite users from the Page. Let’s get into the technical details, with a few pro tricks along the way.Normally, mentioning a friend is as simple as beginning to type their name and allowing Facebook to auto-suggest the person you want to mention – as long as you capitalize and begin to spell their name correctly.Type @ and immediately begin to type a name, like, “@mike” and you will immediately get a list of people whom you may or may not be currently connected with.Either way, as Facebook populates the list, simply click or tap on the name you want to include and Facebook will autocomplete and link the name accordingly.

If it’s a comment, some people will see it. Here’s everything you need to know.Have you ever wanted to let someone else know that you were talking about them in a post to Facebook by using Facebook Mentions?Or perhaps you wanted to share something about a particular business and would have liked to notify their Page.Whether you’re a long-time Facebook user or just getting started, understanding the differences and nuance of Facebook mentions and tagging can be a bit tricky.By the end of this article, you’ll know how and when to mention or tag people or pages, including the potential use of third-party tools.While conversationally, you’re welcome to use the terms interchangeably since on other networks mentions are tags and tags are mentions, there is a technical difference between them on Facebook.You can mention (personal profiles) or businesses and organizations (pages) as well as Facebook Groups (though Groups don’t get a notification, just a link, and mentions of secret Groups will not be linked).

When hovering over the top-right hand “x” of a comment, click “Hide” then “Delete.” Now no one can see this content, including the person who wrote it. While there’s no way to add more mentions to the original post, you can mention more people in subsequent comments.If you accidentally Facebook mention or tag someone or the wrong someone, you can certainly remove it.

Click "V" at the top right of any Facebook page and select Settings 2. The initial set of recommended businesses will be based on your location and past check in history. However, the person who posted the comment will still be able to see it, so they will have no idea that you hid it. Be warned: If you hide a photo from your Timeline, it will still appear in your Page’s photo album.

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how to hide when someone mentions you in a comment on facebook