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The real problem, they say, is Chief Justice John Roberts, a Republican appointee who disappoints conservatives regularly. Donald Trump calls himself as a 'stable genius,' but his response to coronavirus is anything but . You can renew your subscription or Martin Luther King Jr.; and Cissie Graham Lynch, granddaughter of the Rev. Still, despite all of the president’s challenges, he continues to win some converts. Before Mr. Trump’s appearance at El Rey Jesus in January, lead pastor Guillermo Maldonado – a Honduran immigrant – told his congregation that those who are in the U.S. without legal documents need not fear deportation if they attend the event, according to the Miami Herald.But even among Latino voters, the immigration issue cuts two ways. All rights reserved.Important conversations are happening now. 19th Amendment: The six-week 'brawl' that won women the voteIn Trump era, what does it mean to be an 'Evangelical'? ©2020 Verizon Media. Conservative voters of faith, as much as any other group, must remain motivated to vote for Mr. Trump if he is to win a second term.President Donald Trump holds a Bible outside St. John’s Church near the White House. And religious affiliation among African Americans isn’t a predictor of vote choice, says Andra Gillespie, a political scientist at Emory University in Atlanta. There's not a working member of the Washington press corps today who watches Trump day in and day out and thinks, ‘He's seems stable, and I have no questions about his mental capacity.’ They all know it's an alarming, ever-present issue. “He’s like your uncle. A decade ago, they represented 21% of all voters, according to PRRI. At the Evangelicals for Trump event in early March, held at Solid Rock Church near Cincinnati, no one expressed doubts about Mr. Trump. But he still has reservations, calling Mr. Trump “an embarrassment to evangelical Christianity” in a New Yorker interview.

Pastor White has been Mr. Trump’s personal pastor ever since, and helped him secure major evangelical support in 2016. In July, 63% of white Evangelicals viewed President Trump favorably, the same as in May, according to the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute.

The star attraction was Mr. Trump himself, who helicoptered in on Marine One.The campaign event was a threefer: It ginned up enthusiasm for Mr. Trump’s reelection among evangelical Christians; it targeted Latino voters by taking place at one of the largest Latino evangelical churches in the country; and it was in Florida, the nation’s biggest electoral battleground. The same holds true of the public’s view of his coronavirus response, which was initially relatively high and then sank – including among white evangelical Protestants.
Mr. Perkins suggests the president could have had a racially diverse group of clergy accompany him to the church and pray together for the nation. Three months before Election Day, Mr. Trump’s reelection prospects are in grave peril amid a pandemic, double-digit unemployment, and a national reckoning on race. The Trump campaign has been trying to woo Latino and Black Evangelicals to expand his base of support among religious conservatives.A group of interfaith religious leaders protests against then-presidential candidate Donald Trump for his tough stands on immigration and other issues in New York in June 2016.An audience member stands during a song ahead of Mr. Trump’s remarks at an Evangelicals for Trump event at a church in Miami in January 2020. Add your voice! Overall, 38% of Americans approve of Mr. Trump’s handling of the virus. We want to hear, did we miss an angle we should have covered? Thus the launch of Evangelicals for Trump in south Florida, with its large population of Latino immigrants, including many who fled the socialism of Cuba and Venezuela. Mr. Trump’s favorability rating among white evangelical Protestants had actually spiked in March to 77% in the PRRI poll – a “rally around the flag” effect over the pandemic – and then settled back to where it was, says Dr. Jones, author of the new book "White Too Long." On June 1, he took his famous walk to St. John’s Church. Bill Werts, an engineer from Greensburg, Pennsylvania, had hopes for Mr. Trump, especially with Mr. Pence at his side.

In the evangelical world, some leaders call him a “baby Christian,” someone just beginning his faith journey.

The star attraction was Mr. Trump himself, who helicoptered in on Marine One from his Mar-a-Lago estate to the north.

As of early April, Trump has told 23.3 lies per day in 2020, a 0.5-lie increase since 2019. “Jesus is my saviour, Trump is my president,” proclaimed a sign, star-spangled in red, white, and blue and held aloft by a rallygoer.Part religious revival and part “Make America Great Again” rally, the campaign event was a threefer: It ginned up enthusiasm for Mr. Trump’s reelection among evangelical Christians; it targeted Latino voters by taking place at one of the largest Latino evangelical churches in the country, El Rey Jesus; and it was in Florida, the nation’s biggest electoral battleground.

If you have questions about your account, please I kept asking myself, are these the Christian values I’ve stood for all my life?” says Mr. Werts, who calls himself a “patriot, lifelong pro-lifer, and anti-racist.”Mr. After all, the New Yorker was a known “social liberal,” thrice married, and prone to vulgar language. We

In May, he declared churches “essential,” and called on them to reopen. An ABC News/Washington Post poll in mid-July showed 68% of white evangelical Protestants approve of Mr. Trump’s performance on the pandemic, still a strong rating but a drop of 16 percentage points since late May. In 2002, the then-New York real estate developer saw her preaching on television, and gave her a call. That’s virtually equal to the 64% of white Evangelicals who viewed Mr. Trump favorably last year, on average, in PRRI polls.In contrast, white Catholic support for Mr. Trump has declined from an average of 48% in 2019 to 36% in July 2020. Mr. Trump often says to Black voters “you’ve got nothing to lose” by supporting him.
“If history is a guide, especially among base groups, we may have as much as 20 percentage points who say, ‘I don’t really like the guy, but I’m going to vote for him anyway.’” Mr. Trump is going all out to hold on to conservative voters of faith.

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