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The inscriptions found in the city are bilingual, in Aramaic and Greek; a few with Latin also survive but only from the later years of the city, providing first-hand information about the types of exchange and interaction that took place along this stretch of the Silk Road.Sculptures from Palmyra also give an indication of the culture of this city, especially the clothing, which represented the two cultures, Greek and Central Asian. 0. Created: Jun 2, 2018 | Updated: Jun 9, 2018.

The history of Palmyra is closely linked to the development of the Silk Road in this region and to the city’s strategic placement between the major powers of the early Middle Ages.

None of these statues survive, but of the 181 honorific inscriptions that have been found some 36 relate to the caravan trade, honouring the ‘chiefs of the caravan’: The inscriptions provide very incomplete evidence of Palmyra's trade routes.

available here separately or as part of a topic bundle Palmyra & the Silk Road.

There was some sort of tacit understanding between the two powers, which enabled Palmyra, a neutral, semi-independent town, to become the middleman in this trade with its enormous profits.One of the main languages of the area was Aramaic, a language related to Hebrew, and written with the same alphabet, although Greek was also spoken. With its temples and their grounds and civic buildings such as the public meeting place (the The main burial grounds were to the southwest of the city, and these provide another glimpse at the busy, commercial life of Palmyra through the funerary inscriptions that remain. The women also wore a long, belted tunic with either tight or full long sleeves with a decorative cuff, or without sleeves, like that of the men. pdf, 231 KB. A settlement called Tadmor is mentioned as early as the eighteenth century BC, and by the first century AD, Palmyra had become a base for traders crossing the desert.

5 months ago. The flow of trade through the city supported building on a grand scale. 11 Ancient History Palmyra & The Silk Road Revision Quiz DRAFT. 11th - University.

The impressive remains of the ancient caravan city of Palmyra stand in the middle of the desolate Tadmorean Desert in Syria. a year ago. 5 months ago. As such, the city was well-served to become an important centre of trade for those merchants who chose to cross this desert rather than take the longer route around it, and as such, a hub of cultures and languages too.The history of Palmyra is closely linked to the development of the Silk Road in this region and to the city’s strategic placement between the major powers of the early Middle Ages. £3.00.

Palmyra and the Silk Road. As such, Palmyra came to occupy a no-man's land criss-crossed with caravan routes. 11 Ancient History Palmyra & The Silk Road Revision Quiz DRAFT. Palmyra & the Silk Road 11 Ancient History Revision Case Study B DRAFT.

by nea_84876. Save. Originally founded near a fertile natural oasis, it was established sometime during the third millennium B.C. The Tadmorean mountain range meant that roads either went north or south – and the southern routes came through Palmyra. Syllabus Aspect 1 ‘Representations of Palmyra’. It consisted of a long-sleeved tunic, short, belted and split at the sides, and trousers that were tight at the ankles, with supple boots. Save. There are two cases of ships owned by a Palmyrene that arrived from Scythia, referring to the Indus estuary area in northwest India. There are of course the impressive remains (Fig. the geographical and historical context, including: the location of the site of Palmyra; the development of the city from an agricultural village to the hub of the Silk Road; By the 3© UNESCO/Ron Van Oers / The ancient site of Palmyra UNESCO applies a zero tolerance policy against all forms of harassment Preview. Students investigate: representations of Palmyra – ancient and/or modern. Edit. 0. Edit. 18 times.

Palmyra changed hands on a number of occasions between different empires before becoming a subject of the Roman Empire in the first century AD. Content. Amongst the surviving inscriptions, there is mention of only one caravan route, from Spasinou Charax, in the Persian Gulf up the Euphrates through Vologesias and then overland to Palmyra. Played 18 times. They thus appear to have channelled the trade from India and China through the ports in India and up the Persian Gulf. Played 14 times.

Archaeological finds date back to the Neolithic period, and documents first mention the city in the early second millennium BC. 65% average accuracy. 11th - University . Hence the existence of Palmyra, which is recognized by even the most critical historians as a true caravan city, is an important resource in the study of the Silk Road [1]. Save for later. Palmyra & the Silk Road (no rating) 0 customer reviews. But there is also mention in several inscriptions of attacks on merchants being averted by armed forces sent from Palmyra.A breakdown of the delicate balance between the Roman Empire and its eastern neighbours, the Parthians and then the Sassanids, came to threaten Palmyra's role and affluence. 1-Student-Information-syllabus-Palmyra---Silk … There is some question about the role of the desert nomads in this trade - they may well have profited from this, supplying camels and receiving payments. To the east, beyond the desert with its wadi and passes, runs the Euphrates River, permitting traffic by river to come in through the Persian Gulf from northwest India and beyond. Matthews featured in The Journal of Roman Studies is accessible via the College's subscription to JStor.This weblink is to the website The Iris: Behind the Scenes at the Getty. Palmyra & the Silk Road 11 Ancient History Revision Case Study B DRAFT. Preview and details Files included (5) docx, 52 KB. Conquered by the Greeks in 332 BC and then by the Romans in 64 BC, the region remained extremely multi-cultural, combining the Hellenizing influence of the West with the cultures of Central Asia, including those of the major powers of the east and rivals of the Roman Empire – namely, the Parthians and subsequently the Sassanids. 2) brought to light by travellers, first in 1678, and by archaeologists in more recent times. REPRESENTATIONS OF PALMYRA OVER TIME Year 11 Ancient History NSW NESA Australian Curriculum Case study ‘B’ option.

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