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Madcap initially posed as an ally, joining the Mercs for Money, but eventually showed his true intentions after he was discovered impersonating Deadpool to defame and threaten his loved ones. Stryker expressed that Wade would have been the \"perfect soldier\" i…

Colcord fled Weapon X with the always loyal Jeffries and Aurora as well. Make use of him."

Deadpool additionally joined the Avengers Unity Division and used his popularity as a means of funding the team, with the profit from merchandise.Madcap additionally returned to Deadpool's life, though Wade was unaware his experience inside his mind left Madcap emotionally damaged and vengeful. Wade found a cure, though had to resort to Cable's evil clone Stryfe to find it. "Wade managed to defeat Black Box, Black Tom and Black Swan, but in the process, his face was burned and disfigured again.In the course of the following months, Deadpool's popularity skyrocketed after the mercenary Solo impersonated him to piggyback on Deadpool's reputation and take jobs at a higher pay rate. Plagued by guilt, Wade held back when tasked with hunting down the rebel alliance known as the Underground, and eventually helped, behind the scenes, to lay part of the foundation of Hydra's eventual defeat. Like Wolverine, Deadpool is (or is thought to be) Canadian.In 1997, Deadpool was given his own ongoing title, initially written by For a time, writers who followed generally ignored the fourth wall entirely, until Deadpool's next starring appearance came in 2004 with the launch of After he loses his healing factor, Wilson claims he felt "more alive than ever. Each version of the work typically establishes its own continuity, and sometimes introduces parallel universes, to the point where distinct differences in the portrayal of the character can be identified.

When Hydra's conquest had barely begun, Preston found out about Coulson's death, and confronted Deadpool about it.

―Wade Wilson. He has superhuman strength, stamina, agility and reflexes. "The Salted Earth, Part Three: Conclusion" Subsequent attempts at recreating the success seen by Weapon X with Wolverine include At some point, Weapon X branched off from Weapon Plus' control and was solely headed up by Canada's Department K. A new generation of agents were created: A smaller experiment was later developed by Department K with a The Director initially uses Weapon X as his personal strike force to exact revenge against Wolverine. Speed, strength and durability are about equal important. A number of mutants, such as After some time, Brent Jackson (the only human officially on the team) took over as Director, during a mutiny by the team in conjunction with an attack by mutants from the Underground. The team also included James \"Logan\" Howlett, Victor Creed, Christopher Bradley, Agent Zero, John Wraith, and Fred Dukes. Seeing as he had had enough fun, Madcap used an alien weapon to molecularly disintegrate himself. When Phil Coulson became suspicious of Steve, Rogers convinced Deadpool to kill him, claiming that Coulson had gone rogue. Second is Power. Weapon X operated through Canada's Department K and was directed by The project's original test subjects were the members of What Wolverine and his fellow X-Men ignored for many years is that Weapon X was part of a larger program called What the Weapon X scientists did not foresee is that the experimentation on Wolverine would cause him to go on a murderous rampage, which allowed the escape of the other test subjects, and caused the death of Dale Rice, among dozens of other members of Weapon X staff, both scientists and military. John Howlett claimed that he was driven mad at first by his parents' seeming abandonment of him when his powers first manifested. So not dismissive, but rather the epitome of inclusive.Deadpool's primary power is an accelerated healing factor, depicted by various writers at differing levels of efficiency. With his mistakes costing the lives of two of his friends, the love of his daughter, and any respect the world had for him, Deadpool turned his back on what little remained of the life he had built.Deadpool is aware that he is a fictional comic book character.The character's back-story has been presented as vague and subject to change, and within the narrative he is unable to remember his personal history due to a mental condition. "Sometimes, doing the right thing is messy.

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